Week 38

Upcoming Dates:

  • Monday, June 6 – Gym 
    • Lemonade Day – wear pink or yellow
  • Tuesday, June 7  – no special due to talent show
    • Sports Day – wear sports attire
    • Talent Show
  • Wednesday, June 8 – Gym, last day of school (Early Release)
    • Beach Day – wear beach themed clothes, NO bathing suits

Notes for Parents:

  • Please send in any library books and/or baggie books that you may still have at home as soon as possible. Thank you!
  • STAR reports were sent home today. If you see some scores crossed out that is because students accidentally took the test twice during that testing period or they finished too quickly the first time and had to re-take it. Please remember that this is only one representation of your child’s learning!
  • If you signed up to donate any items for our theme days coming up, please make sure to send them in by the date listed on the sign-up. We really appreciate your help in creating a fun-filled last week for our first graders!
  • Next week, I will be sending home red review folders with your child. The folder contains optional summer work to help retain all of the skills learned in first grade. You can also take a look at the Summer Academic Note for more ideas. I encourage you to find a rhythm and schedule that works for your family to build in some “school/learning time” each day. It is very typical to have a summer slide with academics and this will hopefully help reduce some of that slide from happening! Students will also have access to our learning apps on Clever all summer long. Their login information will be on the back of their review folder.


Outstanding Movie Day: We had a schoolwide PBIS celebration today… movie day! Our students have worked so hard to SOAR (be Safe, Own it, Act responsibly, be Respectful) this year. We are so proud of their outstanding work. We watched Charlotte’s Web with Mrs. Cooley’s class!

Ice Cream Celebration: We also had our last 10 star reward which was an ice cream celebration. Our ice cream sundaes were delicious!

First Grade Family Time – At the assembly, we celebrated our learning and birthdays from the week. We also give awards for the quote of the week, lost teeth, and shoe tying.

This week the quote was- “Endings are not always a bad thing, it just means something new can begin.” Today we had a special award for those that kept all their teeth this year. The friends who received this award were Anora, Cecily, and Will!


Writing: This week we created memory books – writing about our favorite specials, our favorite class memory, and our favorite books. We listed some of the friends we have made and got their autographs. We also put together our writing portfolio which we hope you will enjoy (coming home Monday). This has published pieces of our work from each unit. Be sure to celebrate your little author!!! They have come so far! 

Math: We worked on some place value review in math this week. This is a big skill in second grade and it was one of the trickiest skills our first graders had to learn in math this year. Keeping up with some place value work this summer will be very beneficial for your child! Even something as simple as writing and/or saying a two digit number and asking them how many tens and ones it has will go a long way.

Reading: This week we wrapped up our final unit of reading, Readers Get to Know Characters! We practiced thinking about what is happening in the story, imagining what characters might say by looking at the pictures, and rereading to smooth out our reading voices.

Word Study: We finished up some vowel sorts this week and put all our word study skills from this year to the test to complete one last phonics check!


Click here to see our pictures from this week!

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